The Lira community got the first test of the true action of the Tug of war sport in Uganda when 16 Corporate teams faced off in the battle of the strongest brand in the land during the inaugural Tug of War League. 

The Lira corporate Tug of war league was kick started on Sunday 26th March 2023 at UTC play ground in Lira District. Gazelle Corporate club Ltd under its CEO Mr. Adea Joshua where given the rights to manage the League with Nile Breweries Ltd as their lead sponsor. The Tug of war league is sanctioned by the Federation of Uganda Tug of war Associations whose president Dr. Kintu Edmund was present to bless the kickoff.

Weighing in of WATU Tug of war team

 The activities started with stamping or weighing in of all pullers from the various teams since the tug of war sports is played basing on weights and the considered maximum total weight was 600kg for a sum of 8 pullers per team. 
Nile special Tug of war team weighing as the FUTWA President observes.

The opening match was between Uganda Prisons vs Lira Regional Referral Hospital 
and the Prisons officers were won their first game in the the league. Mr Adea Joshua the league CEO is a former professional footballer who played for a number of club in the land with his last one being Express FC where he won the UPL as their goal keeper and he had this to say, "As a sports man i have done a number Sports projects in Kampala but i later decided to come back in Lira to develop more talent and this can be see in the success of the on going Lira corporate league . 
Gazelle corporate club ltd CEO Mr Adea Joshua in the middle 

The people of Lira are blessed to have the federation of Uganda Tug of War Associations Sanction the inaugural Regional Tug of War League in their own backyard and as Gazelle corporate club ltd we are so honored to having a the opportunity to manage this league under our Lira Corporate League.
We look forward to having more outings since this league will carry on until November 2023 when we will crown both the Lira corporate league football and Tug of war champions.   

from left is Lira Regional Referral hospital, FUTWA officials in the middle & Uganda Prisons in Red.

FUTWA instructor from the UPDF Airforce Tug of War club Mr Mpiiya Ibrahim
 demonstrating to the Prisons team.

        Supporters motivating their team

Sixteen Lira corporate teams registered for the Tug of war league as shown in the current table standing.
    The current Tug of War  table standing 

 Below are some of the teams in action.

Lira Regional Referral Hospital team 
 Uganda Prisons Tug of war team 

    Housing Finance Bank Tug of War team

The Nation Breweries Ltd Tug of war Team;
Centenary Bank Tug of War Team 

Gazelle corporate club Tug of war Team 

Uganda Technical College Tug of War Team 

Q FM Tug of War Team

Palmerias Tug of War team 

Down Town Tug of War Team 

Ministry of Water and Environment Tug of War Team

DOC 2012 Tug of War Team

Super Select Tug of War Team 

Other teams included :
- Legends 
-Space Lounge

This Tug of War league will go on throughout the year and finals will be held in November 2023 where the winners will be announced. More Action will return during the league's second outing follow the federation of Uganda Tug of War Associations on its different social media platforms form more details.

Written by .
Adrian Grant 
